Io, lei, l’altra
Io, lei, l’altra – Ritratti e autoritratti fotografici di donne artiste
(Me, her, other – photographic portraits and self-portraits of women artists)
Magazzino delle Idee, Trieste, Italy
19th March – 26th June 2022
Io, lei, l’altra – Ritratti e autoritratti fotografici di donne artiste
(Me, her, other – photographic portraits and self-portraits of women artists)
Magazzino delle Idee, Trieste, Italy
19th March – 26th June 2022
The singularity of the festival is to bring together the general public as well as professionals around a multiform, adventurous and innovative program that questions the boundaries between photography and contemporary art. From professional weekends centered around portfolio readings and …
L’APPROPRIATION DU MONDE NOUVEAU A L’ÉPREUVE DU CHANGEMENT APPROPRIATING A NEW WORLD PUT TO THE TEST BY CHANGE RENCONTRE THE EYES TALKS modérée par Vincent Marcilhacy, directeur associé de The Eyes. Avec Andrea Giunta, commissaire de l’exposition Puisqu’il fallair tout …