“JOY” selected for  ANIMARKT

ANIMARKT / Momakin – International Animated Film Pitching Forum
Co-financed by Visegrad Funds
Lodz, Poland, September – October 2023

Pitching is a competition section of ANIMARKT. It allows one to present a project in front of a group of world’s animation industry experts, gaining partners and receiving awards that could bring creators closer to the film’s creation.

It’s a platform that connects creators with a group of potential partners – decision-makers, producers, broadcasters, distributors and selling agents. We realize how challenging film production activities are for the environment, so a new criteria is an obligatory plan for sustainable film production. This element will account for 10% of the evaluation of the entire project.

"JOY" - animation character prototype, silicone doll by Cinébébé
“JOY” – animation character prototype, silicone doll by Cinébébé
